Thursday, June 24, 2010

Wedding in Tuscany

This little patio held my youngest daughter and my new son as they married.

This little patio was set amoungst nature that fed my heart and soul and strengthened my faith.

Breathing and drinking in the grace from these hills echoed the love we have for each other.

Memories of the weddings of my eldest daughter and new son and eldest son and new daughter filtered through the early afternoon mist. Settling amoungst the activities as they were lived they wove a vivid new tapestry of my growing family.

Each new addition to our family changes the landscape and so enriches our lives and the lives of all who touches us 

Thursday, February 25, 2010

surface breaks

... as the hearts swells with Love there is an accompanying pulling of it's fiber - a drawing that threatens a breech - but welcome it none-the-less for it is only the surface that breaks leaving it's womb intact to receive and give Love ...

Creative Commons Licence
Children: Raised by Jane Jones is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.